Business Plan - formally adopted
Sawley Parish Council Business Plan
Sawley Parish Council Business Plan, which sets the Parish Council's vision for the parish, its purpose, values, objectives and key priorities for the next three years was formally adopted at our last Full Council meeting on March 22nd, 2016. .
The aim of our Business Plan is to give Sawley's parishioners a clear understanding of what the Parish Council does and what it is trying to achieve. It details what the Parish Council intends to focus on over the next three years. The Business Plan is a live document that we will review annually, use to drive the budget process, plan activities for the coming year and enable the Parish Council to monitor its progress against key priorities.
Why has the Parish Council decided to produce a Business Plan?
Having an agreed strategy provides a framework for the Parish Council to work within, enabling it to operate in a more consistent and co-ordinated way, and to be proactive rather than reactive in its decision-making. We have based the Plan on our understanding of our community's needs gathered from our day-to-day involvement with residents and other key organisations within Sawley.
At the same time, the Business Plan will help the local community to have a better understanding of what the Parish Council does and also clarify what it doesn't do; in other words to explain what issues fall under the responsibility of other delivery bodies such as Erewash Borough Council or Derbyshire County Council.
The Business Plan is a statement of intent, however, Sawley Parish Council may have to make decisions contrary to out stated commitments if events such as budget constraints, new legislation or changes in our policies make that necessary. Any changes will, however, be reflected in an updated plan.
It will be a 'live' document, which the Parish Council will update regularly, enabling it to track, and monitor its progress against the key priorities. Because the Business Plan will be publicly available, Sawley parishioners will also be able to monitor progress.
Community involvement in the Plan
To ensure this Business Plan is consistent with our parishioners' wishes, we have consulted on its contents through as many channels as possible including our website, key contacts and organisations within Sawley via 28 days public consultation in February 2016.
The Business Plan can now be viewed via the link below;
Business Plan (PDF, 2.3 Mb)
Formally adopted by Sawley Parish Council on 22.03.16.